Tag Archives: signs

LEO The Sign of Self-Esteem – (The sense of ‘I for You’)

If Leo could talk, what would it say?

“I want to make my life a magnificent creation and see others light up in my presence. I exude a sense of dignity. I value my pride deeply and I feel I deserve the best. I am the center of the cyclone, the pivotal focus of everything I do. Do not be intimidated by me though–I’m really putting on a show. I’m an ace performer who makes something wonderful out of being alive and that is why others appreciate me so.”

Color: Yellow
Motto: “Show It Off”
Object: Gold
Activity: Taking center stage
Style: Generous, confident, and dramatic
Ancient symbol: The Lion
Mode/Element: Fixed Fire (Steady creativity)
Anatomical part: The Heart (At the center of it all)
Famous Personalities: Napoleon Bonaparte, Barak Obama,
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Madonna
and Lawrence of Arabia
Places in the World: Singapore, France, Hawaii, and Rome

In the sequential development of the zodiac, each new sign that is introduced both includes the consciousness of the predecessor, while at the same time, it reacts against the predecessor. This is what keeps the astrological wheel in motion.

Cancer’s deeply-rooted ability to plummet the depths of its psyche gives rise to the intense self-awareness of Leo and Leo, in turn, reacts against its predecessor’s homebody tendencies with a tremendous desire to impress its signature upon the world.

Personal identity reaches its apotheosis in this sign, but is Leo the bravest and most powerful sign in the land? It is the same thing as asking if the lion is the king of the jungle. Not really, for due to its size, every creature in the forest makes way for the elephant. Still, the Lion both looks like the king and acts like the king (or the queen.) It projects the image of the ruler, even if it is merely a performance.

The astrological Leos are mostly too intent on having a good time to be fierc–they much prefer to party; however, they do know all about self dramatization. If you demand that they blow up at you, they will do so with theatrical flair and it is down to the dungeon and off with your head. No sign gives itself as much permission to indulge in a sense of superiority if ever it is challenged.

On the other hand, no sign is as generous or as loyal as this one. When Leos love you, they will give and give and then give some more, as long as you keep loving them back. When they decide you are no longer worth their time or you do not show your adoration sufficiently, their nose goes up in the air and you are excommunicated from Planet Leo. Perhaps in another life, these souls were coerced into a subordinate role. Now they return to settle the score and to make sure that they are the ones in charge and ‘don’t you forget it’.

Lions travel in prides and pride is Leo’s trademark. Assault their dignity and they will roar. Flatter them and they will find a place for you in their life, regardless of how crowded their life may be. No sign craves admiration more than Leo. They do not just walk into a room; they make an entrance. When they have something to say, they draw attention to themselves just by the way they put their ideas across. Leos seldom follow the crowd; rather they stand out within it. No matter what their work in the world is, all Leos are in the entertainment business.

Leos have learned from the previous sign how to play the role of the authoritative parent. They can easily transfer this bossy image over to the workplace and become a commanding presence that loves telling everyone just what they need to do. They, on the other hand, bow to no one. Dominant and monopolizing are two words that describe the Leo personality, though naturally most Leos attempt to keep their overbearing sense of identity in check. It is only when they become consumed by their own importance that the notorious leonine ego loses its sense of proportion.

Leos want so much to be an important presence in the world. If they come even close to fulfilling that wish, they give it all back tenfold. The sign of Leo represents the human heart and the warmth that exudes from every pore of individuals whose charts emphasize this sign can turn a lackluster reality into a celebration of life. It is hard not to appreciate Leo because no one works as hard to earn appreciation. You will rarely be shortchanged in a relationship with them. When their heart is in what they do, they will keep doing it until they drop. If they lose interest, however, they will sooner drop what they are doing and then look for something else that is a lot more appealing. Leos do not settle for less nor do they slide into resignation. They must shout from the rooftops what is in their hearts in long, declarative sentences. They are living embodiments of the best and the worst elements of the human ego. Still, they have the choice of either showing what a wonderful tool the ego is in rising above mediocrity or what an impediment it can be in expressing one’s humanity.

CANCER The Sign of Internal Security – The sense of Me

If Cancer could talk, what would it say?
My home is my castle. I take it with me wherever I go. I just want to
be myself and protect all the things I care about.

I’m a mirror. I can feel just what it is you need. My sensitive nature
makes me a natural as a parent and provides me with strong
emotional ties to my family. Still, I tenaciously guard my privacy.
I must have some quiet time or my mood turns sour.

My relationships can fall apart once they discover how selfish I can
be. I tend to go deep inside and disappear for a while into my own
world. I am a sweetheart when I love someone, though. I wish them
the best just as I wish it for myself and nothing makes me happier than
to show how much I care. I offer encouragement for I understand
insecurity. I want to nurture the family of humanity.

Color: Silver
Motto: “Make It Personal”
Object: A secret garden
Activity: Putting one’s child into bed
Style: Receptive, introspective, and caring
Ancient symbol: The Crab
Mode/Element: Cardinal Water (Urgent emotionality)
Anatomical part: The Breasts and the Stomach
(Giving and receiving nourishment)
Famous Personalities: Princess Diana, Jacques Cousteau, Dear Abby,
Henry David Thoreau, and Mary Baker Eddy
Places in the World: The United States, Canada, Scotland and
New Zealand

As we look up at the northern sky on the summer solstice, we see the Sun reaching its highest place in the heavens. It is at its apex that the solar light appears to cross over the boundary into the segment of the sky we call Cancer, the span of the ecliptic that ranges from 90 to 119 degrees on the 360 degree zodiacal circle.

Spirituality flourishes in this sign, as pure feeling reaches its greatest fullness of expression and consciousness expands to encompass previously unimagined possibilities. Metaphysically speaking, Cancer is the most receptive to the light, which is why Jupiter and Neptune, the planets that support the maximum spiritual growth and development, are said to be exalted in this sign.

On a more mundane level, Cancer shares its most natural affinity with the Earth’s Moon. Both sign and luminary are symbolic of the ability to receive and internalize energy. On a collective level, the Moon and the sign Cancer represent the changing tides of emotion that sweep the populace. Thus if Aries creates, Taurus produces and Gemini markets the product, then Cancer is the buyer.

The sign of Cancer represents the consciousness that is most in touch with the emotional climate of society and all of its shifting moods. Cancer has an instinctive sense of what the public wants and what is motivating them to want it. It knows as well that the public is fickle and what is hot today can easily turn cold tomorrow, only to have something entirely different replace it.
In the mass market place, members of the public buy whatever feeds their ego. Buying for the public then is a job that someone with parental qualities handles best.


What makes the public want what they want? Quite simply, people long to feel better about their lives. They want to feel secure and loved, protected and respected. When times are tough, they want to hold on to the belief that better days are just around the corner.

As reflectors of other people’s light, Cancerians tune in to what those around them are seeking. They can walk into a room and imbibe the energy that prevails. They are intensely aware of the emotional energy in their environment. If the surrounding energy is on the upsurge, Cancer flourishes; if it is downgrading, Cancer sinks into a malaise.

The resolution for Cancerians is to establish a center of serenity within their interior landscape and overcome their tendency to fluctuate in response to external occurrences. Before this feat is accomplished, Cancerians usually put themselves through a great deal of pain. They overreact to other people’s words and deeds and put themselves at the effect of life rather than operating at cause.

This is the sign associated with giving birth to new life. Birth can be the most painful event the human body can experience. Then again, it is also the most joyous.

No sign can be as self protective and defensive as Cancer. If you do something that results in their feeling hurt, they may never want to speak to you again. Fortunately, the more evolved of this sign forgive though they do not forget. They are the historians of the zodiac who seldom fail to remember anything that anybody ever said or did. Cancerians can easily enter a state of deja vu, bringing up a vivid picture of the past and reliving it over again. Thus, it takes them time to heal their feelings of being wounded. It is in the process of healing that their serious nature and their penchant for self examination enables them to take personal responsibility for their pain rather than make other people the source of it. While the complementary opposite sign, Capricorn, a consciousness oriented toward the external world, takes responsibility for its position in society, Cancer, the sign most oriented toward its internal reality, learns to assume responsibility for its reactions to society.

This is the sign that teaches us that everything that we do reflects our responsibility to ourselves.

Cancerians enjoy living in seclusion with hardly any human intervention to disrupt the flow of their inner life. They are the most introspective of all human creatures. They are capable of a consummate intimacy not only with self, but with the special few who they let into their private world. Nonetheless, as this is the sign associated with the changing moods of mass consciousness, Cancerians often wind up receiving public attention, even though they are seldom comfortable with it. It is far more natural for them to operate from the home front where they can tend to their near and dear with tender loving care and thus keep everything under their auspices.

Like their astrological symbol, the crab, these folks can seem hard on the outside, but they are inevitably soft in their interior. Thus when they feel they are running on empty, they fill their stomachs with food. Then again, there are times when they do not wish to eat at all.

Cancerians are here to learn to honor their feelings, as well as the feelings of others. These individuals eventually detach emotionally from any situation or relationship where they feel caught up in a destructive pattern. They can be the most selfless individuals, caring for and nurturing their loved ones with a depth of commitment that is unique to the role of parent (whether it is an actual role or a surrogate one.) They can also be the most selfish and make their feelings and their needs more important than anything else. Their selfishness, however, is somewhat justified for no sign is kinder or more caring once it has found emotional peace.

If it were not for this sign, then home and family and parental love would not have the significance in our lives that they do. Cancer’s greatest gift is tenacity and its amazing power to sense everyone’s emotional state can hold a family, an organization and a country together, as it momentarily forgets itself and caters to the immediate needs of all those needing to feel comfortable, secure and safe in their skin.

GEMINI -The Sign of New Perceptions (The sense of ‘I and It’)

If Gemini could talk, what would it say?

“I believe I am as young as I feel. Inside of me, there is a kid that never wants to grow up. I’m divided in two. Sometimes, I cannot make a choice. I’m just like you and in the same moment, I’m just the opposite. I’m bored with sameness.

“I’m an eternal student. I always want more information. I look at things close-up and report about them from every angle. I often call the shots too soon because I want everything to happen fast. I can talk my way out of anything and I can talk others into almost anything. I’m youthful innocence and worldly wit, undying curiosity and detached observation. I’m a study in contradiction and I won’t have it any other way.”
Color: Orange
Motto: “Get the Facts”
Object: A newspaper
Activity: Talking on the telephone
Style: Curious, flexible, and logical
Ancient symbol: The Twins
Mode/Element: Mutable Air (Flexible mentality)
Anatomical part: The Lungs, the Shoulders, the Arms and the Hands (Two of everything)
Famous Personalities: Walt Whitman, Peter Pan, John F. Kennedy, Christine Jorgenson and Marilyn Monroe
Places in the World: London, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and

The mythological legend of the twin brothers Castor and Pollax clearly conveys the true essence of Gemini consciousness. Castor was entrenched in the earth, wheeling and dealing in the marketplace while Pollax, his heavenly brother, was soaring in the sky.

Gemini’s mission is to bridge the gap between the abstract mind of our high self and the concrete mind of our three-dimensional one.

In the world of duality we all inhabit here on earth, our ego-mind is the trickster, perceiving reality as if it were disconnected from the rest of life. This is a great misinterpretation of the truth, yet the illusion of separation is so compelling that almost every person on earth has been hoodwinked into believing in this false impression. The true reality is hidden and hard to get hold of while the deception seems solid. When we cannot grasp information, then we are not able to use it and it becomes difficult to sustain a belief that it is real.

The previous sign, Taurus, has already created the concept of value. Now Gemini, the progenitor of the ego-mind, creates the value judgment in which the ego views some occurrences to be good or right while others are bad or wrong. Gemini represents the split that takes place when the ego-mind replaces the divine essence as the voice of authoritative reason in determining truth.

Gemini, in and of itself, is perhaps the least emotional sign in the zodiac. This sign deals with the everyday, as if it were doing a crossword puzzle. It wants to come up with all the answers and move on as soon as it thinks it has them. Knowing, or believing it knows, is enough to satisfy Gemini, at least for a while, although it is always ready and willing to rethink and repackage ideas. In fact, that is what Gemini loves to do.

Gemini at its best demonstrates what a brilliant instrument the mind can be if one remains approachable, flexible and willing to be exposed to the latest developments. It is the mind’s ability to crystallize information in manifold ways that ultimately adds up to intelligence. Gemini people, in their eagerness to create new ways of perceiving the world, respect the power and the agility of the mind, just as they admire those who use this power intelligently. Nothing impresses a Gemini more than someone who is swift and alert in their thinking and articulate in their speech. To Gemini, language is solid and sufficient in describing their experience because they tend to take the world at face value. One has to travel to the other side of the zodiac, Gemini’s complementary opposite sign Sagittarius, to look into the deeper meaning behind the words. Gemini people choose to glide along on the surface of life, wishing to remain lighthearted rather than risking the loss of innocence. Gemini is the ‘puer eternus’, longing to hold the maturation process at bay and clinging instead to a youthfulness it hopes will never pass.

Processing information faster than most, Gemini’s susceptibility to boredom and apathy is the thorn in its side. The quintessential multi-tasker, Gemini must have variety for its energy operates in spurts. A peripatetic lifestyle suits Geminis best as their nervous system is highly geared and they cannot stay still for long. They are versatile creatures who can do many things well, however, often find it challenging to specialize in one area and do one thing as well as anyone. They can though if they make a concerted effort because they have Mega mind-power. It is wonderful to have Gemini people with us on the planet. Their sharp wits stimulate a populace that has been burned out on a steady diet of the same old story. Gemini wants to rewrite that story and make it livelier, more interesting and more fun.

In the courts of the Middle-Ages, the only one who was able to tell the king the truth was the court jester because he conveyed it with humor. Gemini is a truth teller, yet clever enough to know that the truth has to be balanced with a ‘So what’ attitude and a light touch suggesting that life is a game and in the greater scheme of things it does not matter as much as we think it does. What matters to Gemini is waking up each morning and learning something new that adds still another dimension to life and keeps things flowing. The previous sign, Taurus, renowned for its stubbornness, turns to Gemini and says, open up another window. We all need a breath of fresh air and a different perspective–and that is just what Gemini provides.


Copyright 2007 Paul Six from “Astrology is as Real as Anything Else”