Tag Archives: signs

AQUARIUS – The Sign of Invention

(The sense of ‘Each of Us’)
If Aquarius could talk, what it would say?

“I’m eccentric. My energy is electric. I operate on high frequencies so
it is hard to keep up with me. I’m willing to experiment and I respect
the right of others to do the same. No fences exist around my mind.
I’m a free spirit, making up the rules as I go along. I’m a great friend
as well. In some uncanny way, I recognize each new person I am
talking to, as if I have known them all my life. Everyone I meet allows
me to recognize another part of myself. To maintain my own identity,
I can come across with a detached and impersonal air, though I
always want to remember to be loving and respectful.

“I excel at participating in groups, yet I remain my own person. I say
one thing one day and another the next. I want to be impartial and
treat everyone’s ideas on an equal basis. I’m totally open to everything
you tell me and it’s not going to make any changes in my life. Chances
are, I already knew it before you came along.”

Color: Purple
Motto: “Change the World”
Object: A light bulb
Activity: Surfing the net
Style: Humane, objective, and innovative
Ancient symbol: The Light Bearer
Mode/Element: Fixed Air (Steady mentality)

Anatomical part: The circulation system and the ankles
(Distributing blood to the rest of the body)

Famous Personalities: Thomas Edison, Franklin D. Roosevelt, James
Dean, Abraham Lincoln and Oprah Winfrey

Places in the World: Russia, Sweden, Nepal and Boulder (Colorado)
Excerpted from the astrology manual and forthcoming book,”Astrology is as Real as Anything Else”

As the preceding sign Capricorn represents the pinnacle of material achievement, the sign that follows, Aquarius, obviously takes the zodiac in an entirely new direction.

Aquarians are born to update the current structure and change the rules if necessary, bringing information to the public that was once reserved for the privileged few.

Sometimes an earth-shattering event must first occur before a truly democratic system can come into being. Aquarius rebels against a system where the few rule the many within a totalitarian regime. This is the sign that cries out for a revolution in thinking.

Russia is an Aquarian country. It attempted, and ultimately failed, to create an economically egalitarian society. In theory, the Communist philosophy appealed to the masses. In practice, the masses could not pull it off. It has often been said that if all the wealth of the world were redistributed, in a decade or two it would revert back to where it was before. Not everyone is equally ambitious, equally talented, equally intelligent or equally responsible.

Aquarius’ aim is to conceive of a system where every individual has access to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. Thus, those born under this sign are truth seekers and truth tellers who want to know what is going on, regardless of how unsavory the truth may be. Not only that, but because Aquarians are mindful of the greater good, they expect everyone on earth to want the same thing. This is a miscalculation, for when confronted with unpleasantness and presented with facts they find undesirable, many people sink into denial. They only hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. As they confront such individuals, Aquarians back down and back off.

The Aquarius personality respects the right of others to make their own choices, regardless of what they think of the choices they make. Still, the Aquarian never ceases getting the word out and trusting that one day soon the world will wake up and put an end to deception, corruption and exploitation by those who are running the show. Aquarian consciousness thinks globally and idealistically. The brand of idealism it adopts, however, is not the ‘pie in the sky’ optimism of Sagittarius. The zodiac has been through Capricorn since then, and so Aquarius faces reality. Their ideal is that one day the truth wills itself out.

As long as the masses are willing to hear it, the truth does. That, however, is a big if.

The planet said to be at home in this sign and thus its ruler is Uranus, the symbol of revolutionary change. In astrology, the outer planets are higher frequency versions of the inner ones–their concern is with collective evolution rather than personal development. Saturn, the frosty old taskmaster, however, is a co-ruler and the one that keeps the revolutionary mind of Aquarians from going off the rails.

The big picture perspective that human beings have adopted is the creation of a cosmic information factory that generates the content, which human consciousness then channels into everyday reality. Uranus represents an awakening energy leading to the dissemination of information that makes the public increasingly aware that reality is really stranger than fiction. Uranus precipitates a modification in mass thinking that builds slowly yet emerges suddenly. Once the spreading of truth throughout the land reaches critical mass, people learn that the real story of what has been going on is so shockingly outrageous and despicably contemptible that the only recourse is to usurp the power from the powers that be and start afresh. Uranus operates like a bolt of lightening; stirring the masses to a fever pitch and forcing a confrontation with the ruling class.

Many astrologers believe that humans discover the physical reality of a planet’s existence when their consciousness is able to grasp its spiritual implication. Uranus was discovered in the sky in the late Eighteenth Century, around the time of the American and French Revolutions.

In ordinary times, Aquarians often do not know what to do with themselves. They are town criers, but no one is really listening. In interesting times, Aquarians reinvent themselves. Unlike their complementary opposite sign, Leo, who is egocentric; Aquarians are eccentric. They recognize the truth when they hear it, primarily because the truth is what they want, no matter how hard it is to come to terms with it. They are sufficiently aloof to be able to listen to anything.

Aquarians like to see themselves as a cell in a great big body rather than as an independent star desiring to outshine all the other stars. They want everyone, not just themselves, to be strong and decisive and they will go out of their way to assist people because they feel connected to the human family. They do not want to be exclusive and thus over-identify with any single person but they do want to be a beacon of light and a brother or sister to all persons. To maintain their humanitarian approach to life requires a degree of detachment and staying clear of personal entanglements. Still no sign is as valuable in organizing and participating in a group endeavor, nor more egalitarian in their interaction with every group member than an Aquarian, especially when the group has gathered for a cause that furthers human progress.

Aquarians want to bring a better world into being and see each person walk the talk. Their consciousness is ahead of the time and they seldom feel completely at home on the earth, yet as long as they live they continue to stand for the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity.

CAPRICORN – The Sign of Organization (The sense of ‘Us’)

If Capricorn could talk, what it would say?

“I take this world seriously and I mean business when I speak. I’m carrying big burdens on my shoulders. Responsibility has been embedded in my nature. I put myself under pressure so I don’t waste time. I get my money’s worth; squeezing the most out of every moment to make sure I realize results. Each time I take a fall, I pick myself up and continue to make the climb. All the while, I act to reserve an honorable reputation. I pay my dues and learn the rules so that one day I’ll be the one who makes the rules.”

“In order to get things to work here on the earth, everything needs to be organized. I am a sure bet for success in the world for I face reality and I operate with integrity. I consider the whole picture. I master my own formula for success by working harder than anyone else. Always true to my word, you can count on me to deliver the goods as promised. The question is, can I rely on you?”

Color: Charcoal
Motto: “Make It Last”
Object: A mountain
Activity: Carving an image in stone
Style: Responsible, realistic, and disciplined
Ancient symbol: The Goat
Mode/Element: Cardinal Earth (Urgent practicality)

Anatomical part: The skeleton, the knees, and the teeth
(Tough enough for the hard road ahead)

Famous Personalities: Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Schweitzer,

Howard Hughes, Mao Tse-tung and Joan of Arc

Places in the World: The United Kingdom, India, Greece, and New York City

On the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, where the astrological system was first devised, the Sun appears to move into the part of the sky we identify as Capricorn (270-299 degrees on the ecliptic.) For three days, the solar body seems to rest at the lowest point of its apparent path. On December 25, it begins its ascent and that is a special day of peace and celebration throughout the earth, even in the non Christian world.

Metaphysically, Capricorn represents the soul’s complete descent into the physical body. No sign is as potentially capable of functioning successfully in the material world as this one.

Capricorns are here to organize the activities of daily life in the mundane sphere. It is not that they want to do this job themselves; instead, they start at a very early age learning how to tell other people to become more organized. They are the administrators who aim to oversee and govern while the rank and file takes care of the grunt work.

They are no slouches in the work department, however. When Capricorns are committed to a job, their ability to concentrate and sustain their effort, all the while achieving excellent results, is remarkable. As the most focused and self disciplined of all the signs, Capricorns are nothing less than industrious. It is just that they prefer to be a captain of industry rather than one of the slaves to the machine. They dislike anyone telling them what to do, yet they do not hesitate to give orders when they see fit. From an early age, these serious and ambitious folk made up their minds that they are going to occupy a prestigious position and secure a role that would give them power in the world. They often go through a painful period in their younger years, but life keeps getting better for them, and they keep getting amazingly younger, as they grow older.

Capricorn’s journey is analogous to the process by which a lump of carbon is crystallized through the passage of time into a precious gem. This sign both respects the process of time and works well with it. They know how to wait for the perfect timing and thus their efforts are usually right on time and beautiful to behold.

What is great about Capricorn is their integrity. When they say they will do something, they do it. When they make a promise, they keep it. Unless they lack respect for you, in which case they do not give a damn. They are, however, committed to the game of life and the rules it goes by because they have every intention of winning the game and taking home whatever prizes are given. They realize that no matter what anyone has to say, you cannot argue with success.

Failure is anathema to these people. They fear it and they do everything in their power to see that it does not occur. If it does, it is best never to mention it to them, because it will only create an embarrassing moment.

What is surprising about Capricorns is that they have a great sense of humor. Thank God that they do, as the weight they carry calls out for something to offset it. Although they are inherently tough and they grow stronger year by year, they know how to enjoy life, especially once they have scaled the mountain they have chosen to climb. When the peak of attainment has been reached, when they have captured a secure place in society and when they have amassed material power on some level, Capricorns aim for spiritual power. To them, this entails mastery of the body and an ability to stay healthy and vital until the day they leave the planet.

Capricorns put their faith and trust in what they see before them and this is the reality they are here to serve. They can become somewhat rigid and have difficulty letting go because they want their life to be sufficiently structured so that it seems to be invincible. If their complementary opposite sign, Cancer, is the most receptive to the light, then Capricorn is the least receptive. Like the diamond, Capricorns can reflect light, however, their desire for a permanent bastion that upholds their value causes them to harden at their core. The principles that determine how they run their lives can become so hermetically sealed, that it is useless to convince them of anything other than what they have chosen to believe. They become externally focused to the extent that they give more power to matter than the material world merits. It is one thing to honor the foundation that holds a society together and supports all of its members. It is quite another to believe that the present reality will always be the only game in town. Is it not sheer hubris to think that our story on the earth within this vast cosmos is so significant that it will last forever, when in truth nothing in the material world does? Capricorns think in terms of making the things in their life permanent. While the physical reality that they give most of their attention and allegiance to is currently important and necessary, the energy and information we carry in our souls is even more important, as they are the parts of us that are indestructible and everlasting.

Capricorns ideally want the structure they build to be in the shape of a pyramid, with themselves naturally at the top. The next sign Aquarius, however, will come along and attempt to flatten the pyramid so that everyone operates on equal terms. For all their strength and restraint, deep down inside Capricorns harbor a fear that one day they could lose it all. No matter how substantial they make their life, a fear such as that never goes away and that is what keeps Capricorns working around the clock until the end of their days.


SAGITTARIUS – The Sign of New Approaches (The sense of ‘We’)

If Sagittarius could talk, what it would say?

“I have a vision. It’s an impossible dream. Others tell me to stop overreaching, but I never listen. Sometimes I talk a blue streak about what I’m going to do instead of just going out and doing it. Still, I’m advancing. I set high standards for myself. I’m a shooting star, an explorer, and a long distance traveler searching for the truth. I want to know the reason for everything. I observe life from a distance and this gives me a bird’s-eye view. I’m reaching for the next frontier and the thrill of a new adventure sends me off in a flash. I’m deft at ducking interference. I keep moving ahead toward the unknown. I do not want others always telling me the way it is–I want to discover things on my own. I doubt you when you give me an easy answer to a complex question. I know there’s a lot more to life than what many people are willing to see. I refuse to settle for routine explanations or a routine existence. I am lighting the way for the world to embrace the understanding that we are born to live free and, at the same time, we are all in this together.”

Color: Blue
Motto: “Find the Truth”
Object: A telescope
Activity: Shining a light into the darkness
Style: Aspiring, intuitive, and wise
Ancient symbol: The Centaur with Bow and Arrow
Mode/Element: Mutable Fire (Flexible creativity)

Anatomical part: The hips and the liver (The power to advance
forward and the ability to deal with excess)

Famous Personalities: Walt Disney, Beethoven, Maria Callas,
Frank Sinatra and Swami Satchidananda

Places in the World: Australia, Spain, the United Arab Emirates,
and Finland

Sagittarius is considered to be the sign of luck. Sagittarians seem to be especially fortunate because they are the most open to new opportunities. Once an experience has run its course and there is nothing but reruns to look forward to, they are all for moving on. They seldom look back: instead, they look into the future. It is said that every member of the Sagittarian club (and those whose chart emphasizes Sagittarius’ natural house, the ninth house), has the potential gift of prophecy.

Sagittarians think in terms of possibilities and of what should be. The Sagittarian mind rambles as it leans toward the abstract: its perspective is vertical rather than horizontal, its vision is telescopic and its intuitive sixth sense can be amazing. It is the truth seeker, always on the verge of discovery of something that can elevate its consciousness and increase its understanding. Sagittarians are interested in uplifting the world around them and discovering a better place then they have ever known before. Their lofty aspirations may never materialize, which is why the universe created the next sign, Capricorn, who can be much more reliable when it comes to delivering the goods.

Even when they miss their mark though, Sagittarians keep searching just like their ancient symbol, the centaur, who was half beast and half human and who spent his time shooting arrows into the great unknown. These are the explorers of life who are restless when settled in the here and now and who come fully alive when moving on to bigger and better things. They want to rise above their animal nature and ascend to a higher plane of existence. Many metaphysicians believe that Planet Earth exists for this very purpose.

The Sagittarian propensity to extrapolate and extend the present as far as the eye can see and the mind can roam makes these individuals persuasive in selling new ideas. Their wholehearted enthusiasm, their jovial optimism and their happy-go-lucky attitude convinces potential buyers that Sagittarius is on to something.

Due to their impatience with routine and their desire to go far and wide to learn about the world first hand, Sagittarians are the long distance travelers of the zodiac. They generally have no resistance to entering unfamiliar territory and adapting to different ways of living. To Sagittarius, this is what enables a person to grow and become more than they were before and it is also what endows someone with wisdom.

Sagittarians adapt well to different cultures. They do not expect a foreign land to be just like home, nor would they want it to be. They usually like the experience of exotic locales and strange customs. What happens on the ground scarcely bothers them because their heads are primarily in the clouds. The same approach operates when they are on more familiar territory–if a situation becomes murky; they rise above it. They are the counterforce to Scorpio, who can get stuck endlessly probing into the motives of others. Sagittarians already know, or at least think they know, what motivates other people. While they can be intolerant of people whom they befriend and who, in their opinion, later resort to shabby standards of conduct, they are open-minded in their attitude toward strangers. Live and let live is their philosophy– when in Rome, they do as the Romans do.

These are the people who love and demand their freedom, and while they can be welcoming and gregarious, they refuse to be tied down. They, in turn, grant that freedom to others. No wonder people love this sign. They are positive, generous, high-minded people and a lot of fun to be around. They lay their truth on the line in a forthright manner, yet they mean no harm when they call it as they see it.

Sagittarians generally enjoy sports and the great outdoors but mainly they want to keep in motion. Confinement of any kind is an agonizing thought, so they keep busting loose from anything or anyone that tries to contain them. When they tie the knot with a partner, somewhere in the back of their mind, it is the other person that is married.

Arrogance is a quality they may have to battle in themselves. They are not the most committed of folks, but they are committed to being right. They might recall the opening scene in the musical film “Carousel”, where the star keeper in heaven summons this man named Billy Bigelow into his office and offers him a chance to return to earth for one day and redeem his life. When Billy expresses his feeling of unworthiness (because he died while falling on his knife during a robbery he attempted), the star keeper assures him by saying, “How do you know how we look at things from up here?”

Sagittarians do look at things from far away; still, it is not far enough for them to know what ought to be in this universe. They may need to keep reminding themselves that they are as down to earth as the rest of us and that, while we are here in the physical world, the universe we live in is too vast to be conceivable in human terms and far too complex for us to completely comprehend .