December 21, 2012—is it the end or is it a new beginning?
It may never have occurred to the Mayan Indians that after thousands of years passed, the human population on Planet Earth would be still making such a fuss over their ancient prophecies. The Mayans saw December 21st of this year as the end of a particular era and the start of a new cycle of existence. They did not look upon it as doomsday the way some of us do today.
Recently someone remarked that the only people destined to experience the end of the world on December 21st of this year are those who are going to die on that day. Everyone else will still be here and so will the world.
Astrologers, however, might point to Pluto, the dwarf planet with a power punch second to none in the astrological system, as it continues to make its passage through the Capricorn sky until January of 2024 when it then enters the sign of Aquarius.
Capricorn is the sign of organization and the material power structure. Is not Pluto, also known as Hades, a symbol of transformation, a euphemism for some sort of death? Do some astrologers foresee the demise of the world’s current order, collapsing under its own weight through the vain attempts of the chain of command to consolidate as much power and control as it can under its auspices?
Very possibly!
More ominous signs in the sky bring up more questions. What about the highly stressful relationship taking place right now in the cosmos between Pluto and Uranus—an exact 90 degree ‘right angle’ connection known as the square aspect—the most challenging relationship that can exist between two planets and the energies they symbolize.
Pluto represents change at any cost while Uranus represents freedom. Will there be a revolution? Perhaps it will be a quiet one where individuals seek a brave new world and pull away from the system currently in place, simply refusing to support it any longer. Are there enough of these rugged individualists to create critical mass in establishing a substantial reality that can endure against all odds?
What about Neptune in Pisces forming the same stressful right angle relationship to Jupiter, as the latter planet enters Gemini on June 11, 2012? Will we see the worst of Neptune before we get the best a full year later when it forms a beautifully harmonious grand trine relationship to Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Cancer—the water element trinity. What is the worst that Neptune has to offer and more importantly, what is the best?
Neptune is a symbol of energy that is so inspiring to experience that it stirs us to see if we can break free from the limitations of material reality.
How can we do this?
As we live in a world of duality where opposites define one another (day-night, male-female); if to see is to believe, it stands to reason that to believe is to see. In other words, if you are going to gain access to a reality never before known to you; you first would need to accept it as a possibility or else, due to skepticism, you would dismiss that reality’s existence altogether. You would be stuck in a limited vision that has been programmed into your mind and that leaves no room for anything outside of the program. The worst of Neptune may be responsible for the fear some people are holding on to toward embracing new information that challenges what they have been led to believe. It basically comes down to this; they are afraid of being deceived.
Fear attracts, however. Those among us who dwell in a cage of fear are more vulnerable to deception than those who remain open and accepting. Neptune in Pisces encourages that openness and invites individuals to move into a space of acceptance.
A mountain peak can be covered with snow; however, the snow is not the mountain. In letting go of resistance, the blinders come off of our eyes and we see what lies beneath; we see the content, not the cover.
Neptune is the principle of dissolution, peeling away the veils and then bringing things to a close. As the mythological lord of the sea, its action may call an end to a cycle through crisis connected with water. The seas of the world rise and flood the land. Land falls off into the sea while new land surfaces from the depths; land that carries a higher vibration and that could only be inhabited by those who function at an elevated frequency.
If much of this sounds foreboding; it does not have to work out that way for you. You merely have to let go. Letting go means being receptive until the most positive thoughts come to inspire you and from there acting upon them, even though it was never a part of any previous program that you followed. It is those among us who trust the process enough to download what comes through in each moment that will be guided to go where the light is. The light leads us to a place where we can connect with a new source of energy and information that is purely concerned with the spiritual evolution of the Earth and its inhabitants and is beyond the forces of human coercion.
Each of us can choose the path of acceptance and surrender—the best that Neptune has to offer. Each of us can incorporate the spiritual essence of life by working in co-creation with the creative living process through a direct link to the divine source. Then the end of this year will not be something to fear; instead it will be the dawning of a new era that materializes as the long awaited answer to our prayers.
 Paul Six June 2, 2012