Celestial Events assisting us in 2012

Celestial Events assisting us in 2012

Saturn transits through the Scorpio Sky (Saturn in Scorpio–210-239 degrees on the ecliptic) From October 5,2012 until December 23,
2014 and then back again on June 16, 2015 until September 19, 2015.

What does not destroy me makes me stronger—Fredrich

Scorpio consciousness seeks deep merging with others yet when Saturn enters the Scorpio Sky, fears arise that one can be overpowered by others. The lesson to be learned is that the divine light shines in all living things and nothing ‘out there’ is more powerful than what is within. When this awareness is
cultivated, one can feel safe in the company of any outside presence.

Individuals with the sign of Scorpio strongly emphasized in their chart (Sun, Moon, rising placements or many planets in Scorpio) are fascinated by the dark side of life—the unknown and mysterious elements hidden from view in the everyday world. Once an experience captures their interest, these individuals cannot leave it alone until they have investigated the matter totally, all the way to
the core. When Saturn is involved, however, the investigator may grow fearful
of plunging beyond its depths and evoking forces that are a real challenge to

On a larger scale, Saturn in Scorpio symbolizes a fear pervading society that the world is spinning out of control. As financial resources are drained, as productivity and prosperity decline and crime and rebellion go on the upswing, no amount of reasoning can placate the sense of dread that permeates mass consciousness–a fear that any day now, the dam is going to burst. As a result, it becomes imperative that austerity measures are put in place to bring to a halt the
ongoing tide of political and economic errors weakening the foundations of the
social order. As Scorpio represents the stage of the zodiac where consciousness
goes beyond previous limits, Saturn’s passage through that sign gives rise to
intense concern that extreme measures could be and perhaps must be taken to
avoid apocalyptic chaos.

Consider the steps the Nazis took to restore Germany back to its former glory in the aftermath of war and economic depression, which left that country in a state of devastation.

Western astrology was developed in the Northern Hemisphere. In its origins, it
corresponded with the changes in the natural world over the course of a year,
beginning with the year’s natural starting point, the spring equinox. Scorpio,
the eighth sign of the zodiac, is the sign that symbolizes the death process,
as its energy comes into play at a time when Nature is sinking into a state of
decay. There is still the promise of new life and new growth that the death
process is making room for and it is Nature’s pledge of renewal that enables
life to endure throughout the cold, stark reality that follows, when the
outside world seems to stand still in a state of perpetual postponement. The
underlying principle that allows us to understand the meaning of the death
process is that while something of value has expired, the value is not lost. It
will merge with forces of Nature that bring it back to life in an empowered
state that is able to overcome what previously challenged its very existence. This
is what is known as the process of regeneration, whereby energy that seems to
have perished from the earth is transformed into what it now needs to be, so
that the same circumstances that previously appeared to pose a threat will no
longer stand in the way.

This is the promise of Saturn’s passage through Scorpio. Whatever diminishes the power of life to grow and to thrive will be shattered and out of the ashes will re-emerge the truth of what was destined from the start. No longer scarred and diminished by flaws and limitations, by impotency and helplessness, Saturn’s passage through Scorpio heralds a time when those who ride its waves discover that their strength comes from the inner light that will shine forever, as long as they keep moving with the changing times.

Jupiter transits through the Gemini Sky (Jupiter in Gemini —60-89 degrees on the ecliptic) From June 11, 2012 until June 26, 2013

Do I contradict myself? Very well,
then I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes
—Walt Whitman

To provide balance to the intense energy of Saturn in Scorpio, we can all thank heaven for Jupiter’s passage through Gemini, offering us some breathing space when the emotional climate grows murky and the human shadow appears to be holding sway over our daily lives.

The Gemini principle represents a light-hearted approach to life. Prone to losing its focus more than any other sign, the diffusive, quick-on-the-draw and
multifaceted consciousness of Gemini wants to keep the cosmic flow moving
forward—here, there and everywhere, stimulated by this, and then that and then followed by the other thing. No two moments are the same for Gemini is bored with sameness.

As Jupiter transits through the Gemini sky, look forward to an outpouring of information so fast and furious that merely keeping up with the flow is certain to become an all-consuming experience.

The Gemini principle can be appropriately symbolized as an eternal student who loves to create alternatives– interested in knowing about everything and just as quick to lose interest and search for the next bit of knowledge to embrace. Gemini thrives on change, so in the second half of 2012, anticipate changes at work, changes in the form relationships take, changes in the social and economic
systems and fueling it all—changes in attitude.

Thomas P. Neill said of the author, Fyodor Dostoevsky, in a book entitled, “Makers of the Modern Mind” –“Whatever he was, and he was almost everything, he was also just the opposite.” Dostoevsky had the placement of the Moon in Gemini.

Not so much an originator, as an adapter, Gemini develops variations derived from an original prototype that keeps an activity fresh and sustains its amusement value. It is almost impossible to pin down the consciousness of Gemini, for it is clever and quick enough to discover an immediate escape route once the momentum grinds to a halt and the mood becomes serious and heavy-handed.

Jupiter is expansive, spiritual and philosophical in nature. While Mercury, Venus and Mars are relatively close to the Earth, Jupiter is much further away. Gemini wants to bring Jupiter’s far-reaching, big picture perspective into an everyday context, perhaps with a series of catch phrases that will make the
extraordinary ordinary, so that everyone can be on the same page, regardless of
how lofty a concept may have been at its inception.

Playing the Jupiter in Gemini game masterfully could be compared to being a champ at the game of trivial pursuit. In having stored a plethora of facts about the popular culture, one may lead others into thinking how smart you are, yet is it not true that for intelligence to be meaningful, it requires some measure of depth and substance? True intelligence possesses the capacity for creative and
original thinking with the ability to think abstractly while mentally cutting
through any obstacle in order to resolve a potentially problematic issue.

Normally, Geminis might prefer to evade unpleasant news. Perhaps this time around, Jupiter will expand the powers of Gemini so that the general population will take in information that blasts them out of their comfort zone, as it supports them in facing the facts. For despite having a highly geared nervous system that gives rise to a fragile constitution, it is the fact of the matter that Gemini seeks,
which is not a ‘pie-in-the-sky’ reality but simply the current physical
condition of what is happening in the moment.

Paul Six
December 22, 2011

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